RSR – 545V
AMCA 550
Listed Hurricane/
Storm Resistant
Louver; extruded aluminum construction;
frame with channel profile; corner joints mitered and mechanically fastened, with continuous recessed
caulking channel each side; intermediate mullions matching frame; gutte
rs to drain rain water to jamb and
on downspouts; rated for an air performance and water penetration maintained effectiveness rate of
0.99 when tested in accordance with AMCA 500

- Maintains Class A rating with 29mph wind velocity @ 3 i n/hr rainfall rate @ Max. intake core velocity – 984 fpm ( 5 .0 m/s)
- Maintains Class B rating with 50mph wind velocity @ 8 in/hr rainfall rate @ Max. intake core velocity — 984 fpm (5 .0 m/s)
- Beginning point of water penetration (@0.01oz. / ft2 of free area) — 1, 250 fpm (6. 35 m/s)
- Intake pressure drop at beginning point of water penetration – 0.2 8 in. wg ( 70 Pa)
- Free Area: 54 .6 %, based on a test sample of 48 in (1219 mm) x 48 in (1219 mm)
- Intake pressure drop @ 987 fpm free area velocity — 0.18 in. wg (4 5 Pa)
- Discha rge loss coefficient Classification — Class 2
The louver test was based on a 39.375 in. (1.0 m) x 39.375 in. (1.0 m) core area unit tested at a
rainfall rate of 3 in. per hour (75 mm/hr) and with a wind directed to the face of the
louver at a
velocity 29mph (13 m/s) as well as a rainfall rate of 8” per hour (203 mm) and a wind of 50 mph
(23.3 m/s). The test data shall show the water penetration effectiveness rating at each
corresponding ventilation rate.